Grade Level List

Level 1

a. Grade 9 -10 (Middle School)
  • Measurements and Units
  • Newtons Law
  • Pressure
  • Rotation
  • Energy
  • Thermal Physics
  • Sound Waves
  • Light and Lenses
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Atoms and Radiation

Level 2

b. Grade 11 -12 (High School/ Junior College)
  • Measurements and Uncertainties
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Mechanics and Linear Motion
  • Circular Motion
  • Rotational Motion
  • Gravitation
  • Thermal Physics
  • Oscillations and Waves
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Level 3 (Under-Grad)

Level 3.1

c. First Year Under-Grad Physics
  • Classical Mechanics
    • Newtons Law
    • Friction
    • Elasticity
    • Fluid Mechanics
  • Classical Optics
    • Lens Systems
    • Lens Aberrations
    • Interference and Diffraction
  • Modern Physics
    • Nuclear Structure and Models
    • Nuclear Decay and Radiation
    • Nuclear Detectors
    • Origin of Quantum Mechanics
  • Mathematical Physics
    • Vector Algebra and Vector Calculus and Integral Calculus
    • Differential Equations: First order Homogeneous
    • Solving Wave Equations
  • Thermodynamics
    • Behavior of Real Gas
    • Three Laws of Thermodynamics
    • Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes

Level 3.2

d. Second Year Under-Grad Physics
  • Classical Mechanics
    • Compound Pendulums
    • Rigid Bodies and Rotational Mechanics
    • Elasticity of Mechanical Systems
  • Acoustics
    • Reverberations
    • Sound and Matter Interactions
  • Modern Physics
    • Cosmology: Physical Units and Hubble’s Law
    • Intro to Quantum Mechanics
    • Wave Particle Duality
    • Application of Uncertainty Principle
    • Application of Schrodinger’s Equations
  • Mathematical Physics
    • Fourier Series
    • Partial Differential Equations
    • Coordinate Systems
  • Thermodynamics
    • Carnot Cycle, Thermal Engines and Efficiencies
    • Entropy and Nernst heat Theorem
    • Cryogenics ( Adiabatic expansions and methods of cooling gases)
  • Electrodynamics
    • Forces and Fields
    • Electric charge and Magnetic Field Interaction
    • Application of Electric-Magnetic Interaction (Cyclotron and CRO)
  • Optics
    • Fresnel’s and Fraunhofer’s Diffraction
    • Interferometers (Michaelson’s and Fabry-Perot)
    • Polarization, Methods of polarization and Malus Law

Level 3.3

e. Third Year Under-Grad Physics
  • Classical Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics
    • Central Force
    • Kepler’s Law and Elliptic Orbits
    • Moving and Rotating Coordinates
    • Foucault pendulum and Larmors Theorem
    • Intro to Lagrangian Mechanics
    • D’Alembert’s principle and virtual Displacement
    • Cyclic or Ignorable coordinates
    • Rigid Body dynamics: Inertia tensor and motion of symmetric top
    • Kinematics of moving fluids
  • Non-Linear Mechanics
    • The anharmonic Oscillator
    • Chaos Theory
    • Bifurcations and strange attractors
    • Logistic Maps
  • Atomic and Molecular Physics
    • The Hydrogen Atom (QM Analysis)
    • Stern-Gerlach experiment
    • Spin orbit coupling and Origin of Spectral Lines
    • Zeeman effect
    • Molecular spectra: Rotational and Vibrational energy levels and Spectra
    • Infrared and Microwave spectroscopy
    • Raman effect
    • Electron spin resonance
    • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Working or MRI)
  • Nuclear Physics
    • Alpha Decay:
      • Alpha Particle spectrum
      • Fine structure and Nuclear Quantization
      • Quantum Tunneling of alpha particles
    • Beta Decay:
      • Decay Schemes
      • Pauli’s neutrino hypothesis
      • Energetics of beta decay
    • Gamma Decay
    • Liquid drop model
    • Shell model
    • Magic Numbers in nucleus
    • Nuclear Energy
      • Asymmetric fission Dynamics
      • Four Factor Formula
      • Natural fusion and Fusion Reactors
    • Particle Accelerators: Working and Application
      • Van de Graaff Generator
      • Cyclotron
      • Synchrotron
      • Betatron
      • Large Hadron Collider
    • Nuclear Forces: Deuteron problem and Meson theory
    • Elementary particles: Classification of elementary particles
  • Mathematical Physics
    • Probability and Distributions
    • Complex Functions and Applications
    • Second-order non-Homogeneous Partial differential Equation
  • Statistical Mechanics
    • Microstates ad Macro States
    • Boltzmann Distribution
    • Equipartition Theorem
    • Bose-Einstein Statistics
    • Black Body Radiation
    • Fermi-Dirac Statistics
  • Electrodynamics
    • Dielectrics and Induced Dipoles
    • Gauss’ law in presence of Dipoles
    • Divergence and Curl of B,
    • Ampere’s Law in magnetized material
    • Poynting’s theorem: The continuity Equation
    • Electromagnetic Wave Equation
  • Condensed Matter Physics
    • Crystal Structure, Bravais Lattice
    • Reciprocal Space and Miller Indices
    • Classical free Electron Theory and Drawbacks
    • Quantum Free Electron Theory
    • Density of states and Fermi Energy
    • Band Theory of Solids
    • Semi-conductor Physics: Diode Characteristics and Theory
    • Super Conductors: BCS theory of superconductivity
  • Relativity
    • Introduction to Special theory of relativity
    • Relativistic Kinematics: Derivation of Lorentz Transformation
    • Aberration and Doppler effect in Relativity
    • The Geometric Representation of Space-Time
    • Relativistic momentum, Alternative views of mass in relativity
    • Relativity and Electromagnetism
    • Invariance of Maxwell’s equations
    • General Relativity: The principle of equivalence and Gravitational red shift

Level 4 (Post-Grad)

Level 4.1 (First Year Post-Grad)

Level 4.2 (Second Year Post-Grad)